Welcome to The Diabetes Football Community! We’re here to support and encourage you. This network allows people to share their experiences with others, ask questions, seek guidance and learn more about opportunities which could be created for people with diabetes to access football. Nothing should stop our involvement in the beautiful game. Here’s an example of what we do…

As an organisation we support our community through the Education and Participation opportunities we encourage and provide which can be seen below:

Our Website blog shares the stories of the community as well as tips and advice. WhatsApp Groups offer a chance to speak with others living with Type 1 Diabetes for Men, Women and Parents.
The SporT1Day Conference was created to educate those with Type 1 Diabetes about how to manage their condition during physical activity and sport A men’s all Type 1 Diabetes Futsal Team was created to represent the UK for the first time in the European Futsal Championships for people with Diabetes.
We created a Diabetes Awareness Education programme for school children aged 5-11 in conjunction with AJB Sports in Education. A women’s all Type 1 Diabetes Futsal Team is currently forming to expand our support.
We share stories of our Diabetes Football Community on The Diabetes Dugout Podcast. Our TDFC London project is a Men’s all Type 1 Diabetes Futsal team playing in local mainstream leagues.
We deliver Lunch and Learn presentations for businesses to learn more about Diabetes – PLEASE GET IN CONTACT IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. Our social media channels provide a great way to engage with us and in the conversation surrounding Diabetes in Football.
We have supported the creation of resources for coaches and those who organise the sport to help them understand the realities of Diabetes. We are delivering Family days to bring youngsters with diabetes together to play Futsal whilst parents receive valuable insight and inspiration.

We are changing lives, inspiring change and rewriting the attitudes surrounding Diabetes through the vehicle of Football. 


  • Please get in contact to volunteer through our contact us page.
  • If you’d like to Donate to our cause to help deliver our projects please click the below link:


As the community is an experience based project and not medically endorsed by a Healthcare Professional, advice from your Doctor should always be sought before implementing any suggestions made by the network.

© All rights reserved to the The Diabetes Football Community 2023